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Licentiate with Master Photographers Association

Saturday 15 July 2017

******Exciting news******

This week I have gained my Licentiate with the Masters Photography Association in newborn portraiture along with Newborn Certification in Safety.



Recently I have been busy putting together a portfolio of 20 images to be assessed by top photographers in the Country with the Master Photographers Association. These images were put in front of a panel of judges who would have assessed lighting control, techqnique, composition, safely posed baby and post production. I also had to put together a working profile proving in great detail all the health and safety measures I take in my studio when posing newborn babies. I had to show in great detail how I create composite images, which are more than one image taken and then merged together in photoshop to create one beautiful image. Quite often parents hands need to be removed from many images in post production.

The certification in newborn safety is currently very new and therefore I am pleased to say that I am one of only a few photographers accross the country that actually holds this certification. A great deal of work goes into a newborn photography session behind the scenes to ensure your little one is well looked after throughout their session. I would seriously encourage anyone looking for a newborn baby photographer that they look for someone with this certification.

professional photographer Cardiff

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